Medication ruler Wele Suda names 36 more

Captured medication ruler "Wele Suda" has revealed to his agents the names of 36 persons that incorporates a top cop and a Member of Parliament.

Police are required to make the captures of the named associates over the course with the week.

Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police in the Western Province Pujitha Jayasundera has been tasked to do further examinations concerning the dealings of Wele Suda and his partners.

Jayasundera at one time was the boss medication buster who served in the Police Narcotics Division and has been controlled to finish the examination inside a seven-day period.

Police media representative Ajith Rohana affirmed that all suspects will be gathered together inside the seven days and created in court.

It has additionally been uncovered that Wele Suda, his wife and a connection had amassed riches totalling Rs.170 million.
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