'Avanguard sounds' to pay off commission

Delegate pastor Ranjan Ramanayake has given more than two sound tapes to the pay off commission, which contain two phone discussions between Avant Garde director Nissanka Senadhipathi and Sayura Samarasundara, executive of the State Pharmaceutical Drugs Corporation, which goes under clergyman Rajitha Senaratne.

Ramanayake said he documented a protest of endeavored paying off against Senadhipathi and another against Samarasundara of tolerating pay off cash.

A sound tape in the middle of Senadhipathi and Samarasundara, in which the Senaratne's secretary has set up that he had gotten Rs. five million in the interest of the clergyman, was first made open yesterday by lankaenews site.
Given beneath is that sound tape:

From there on, another tape was posted on the facebook record of Senaratne, in which the secretary advises Senadhipathi that the clergyman had declined to acknowledge the cash.

Given beneath is that sound tape:

Giving over both tapes to the commission, Ramanayake focused on that both sides ought to be explored.

The sounds set up that cash changed hands, and it ought to be discovered for what reason, and Senaratne says he rejected the cash.

Be that as it may, his secretary has acknowledged the cash, which as well, is an offense.

Furthermore, Ramanayake put before the media a duplicate of a check for Rs. five million.

Senaratne has said at bureau media briefings on a few events that Avant Garde had attempted to reward him, and reacting the organization tested him to demonstrate it.

Endeavors to reach Senaratne and Senadhipathi for remarks were unsuccessful, reports BBC Sandeshaya.
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