A proposition has been incorporated into parliament's plan to raise ex-president Chandrika Kumaratunga's annuity from Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 97,500.
The proposition, put together by the legislature, will be discussed one week from now, said secretary general of parliament Dhammika Dassanayake.
Previous president Mahinda Rajapaksa, on 01 July 2006, expanded a president's annuity to Rs. 97,500, alongside expansions in compensations and annuities of clergymen and MPs.
Be that as it may, Kumaratunga's benefits did not increment.
In the interim, the parliamentary undertakings advisory group has chosen to raise the dowager's annuity of Hema Premadasa to two-third of Rs. 97,500 with impact from one month from now.
Chandrika to get same annuity as Mahinda
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