Parents requested no power outages because advanced level exam begins today. The CEB still desires it! The commission’s chairman protested and send a letter!

The Electricity Board, the Ministry of Electricity and the Public Utilities Commission announced that today (23rd), which is the starting day of the Aposa Advanced Level Examination, there will be a power cut for two hours and 20 minutes. 
According to that, the power cuts were allowed to be implemented in 20 zones from ‘A’ to ‘W’ for one hour in the afternoon and one hour and 20 minutes at night.
The Minister of Education, Mr. Susil Premantha made a request in Parliament not to cut the electricity during the time of the A Level Examination, and the examination department has also made a written request not to cut the electricity during that time.

Meanwhile, Public Utility Commission Chairman Mr. Janaka Ratnayake said that he has requested the authorities not to play with children’s lives by cutting off electricity tomorrow (23) when the A-level examination starts and he has sent a letter to the Electricity Board not to cut off electricity during the examination.

Mr. Rathnayake said that this is not a good time to play with children or with the economy, as the demand for electricity has decreased and he also asserted that 95 percent of the required electricity capacity can be provided by hydropower, coal and renewables.

Mr. Rathnayake said that the statements made by the Minister of Power and Energy that 500 crore rupees will be spent to buy fuel to supply electricity during the examination are false and asked the President to remove the minister who has no knowledge about the power sector and appoint a minister who has knowledge and hold discussions between the relevant institutions and take necessary measures to resolve the issues. and is requested.

All the people of the country should further reduce the electricity consumption during the time of the advanced level examination till 17th of February and the government, electricity board and the treasury must support the future generation at this time and by cutting the electricity only between 3.00 pm and 7.00 pm during the examination period. He said that the Electricity Board can also support.
gossip lanka