AI technology has already started invading the entire world. It is not a secret that many jobs and many companies are about to shut down their businesses due to this reason.
It has become the current tendency for many powerful countries in the world to use this AI technology to maintain their imperialistic power.
The most dangerous situation here is that, the use of AI technology in a military environment can lead to very severe results.
Because “A”I is completely controlled by technology and commands without human emotions.
China is a country that is known in the world as a country that does not hesitate to do anything to spread its imperialistic power. China has a priority among the world powers that strive to spread their power through loans, commercial projects, aid, and other cunning tactics as well as military methods.
At present, China is seen to be expanding its power using more and more underhand tactics. The best example is Sri Lanka. In the name of friendship, the ruling community of Sri Lanka is the one who supports China's efforts to build a Chinese empire in Sri Lanka.
China's various attempts to expand its empire have been exposed in recent times. And all Sri Lankans should be aware that China has already started spreading their power in Sri Lanka.
It is right to point out that it was the most short-sighted decision taken by the rulers of this country to allow a Chinese spy ship to come to Sri Lanka despite the warnings of the entire world last year. The leaders of this country warmly welcomed this spy ship that arrived in this way. No more examples are needed to hinder China's power in Sri Lanka.
In view of all this, Sri Lanka has requested China for debt restructuring in view of the current situation, but sources say that no firm agreement has been received in-writing yet. This clearly shows that China does not support the people of Sri Lanka, and are trying to fulfill their purpose.
China has been accused on many occasions of trying to steal information and data from many countries in its attempt to seize power in the world. It was reported that a Chinese spy balloon was destroyed and shot down by the American military while flying over America the other day. Although China claims that a Chinese weather balloon mistakenly flew towards America, it is no secret that it was a spy plane.
Like Sri Lanka, China is experimenting with the latest technology while trying to dominate the entire world. China recently launched the world's first AI-powered 'Mother Ship', an unmanned carrier that can launch a large number of drones simultaneously. China has successfully tested the world's first unmanned drone carrier that uses artificial intelligence to navigate autonomously in open water. Officially described as a maritime research tool, some experts have said the ship could be used as a military vessel.
The self-propelled ship, the Zhuhai Yun, is 290 feet long, 45 feet and 20 feet wide, and can carry dozens of airborne and submersible drones equipped with surveillance equipment, according to the ship's manufacturer, Huangpu Wenchong Shipping Company. has. This ship has been called as "the world's first intelligent unmanned ship".
The data collection is the most beneficial area for China. However, China's military could use the drone ship to gather intelligence in the South China Sea, where several countries have asserted competing territorial claims.
Recently, China has increasingly focused on asserting sovereignty over the seas and building up its military presence. It is no secret that everyone is now realizing that the acquisition of Sri Lanka's Hambantota Port and the Colombo Port City Project are part of this same plan.
Unmanned warplanes could be the "future of warfare."
According to the South China Morning Post, the vessel uses the world's first AI system, called the Intelligent Mobile Ocean Stereo Surveillance System, developed by the Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory. The ship is remotely controlled and can travel at a top speed of 18 knots or 20 miles per hour, according to the shipbuilder.
Even though China is already the world's largest shipbuilder, their ambitions are to become the "maritime superpower". Even now, they are making many efforts to fulfill that ambition.
The dangerous nature of the creation of such high-tech vehicles is due to the fact that they can have far worse consequences than committing genocide and taking over a state.
It is evident that China is trying to turn Sri Lanka into a fortress in the face of greed.
It is clear that if the rulers of this country remain silent in the face of China's actions, Sri Lanka will lose the support of other powerful states that are willing to help Sri Lanka.
It is evident that if the current rulers of the country, who are greedy and act foolishly and, do not take direct decisions now itself, Sri Lankans will have to be the middlemen of a terrible world destruction.
is china planning to take over the world?
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